Monday, August 30, 2004


Rest in peace, Indian Larry

The motorcycling world has lost a true American original. Legendary custom bike builder Indian Larry died today.

Always one to look death in the face with a defiant grin, Larry passed from this world while performing one of his daredevil stunts for a crowd of thousands in North Carolina last weekend. May he rest in peace.

I know this post isn't related to sportbikes per se, but I felt compelled to acknowledge Larry for his contribution to motorcycling, not only as a craftsman, but as a true biker who lived life by his rules and his rules alone -- something I admired dearly about him long before pop culture and the Discovery Channel even knew who he was. Larry was seemingly never afraid to throw caution to the wind for the sake of his own happiness, never needed anyone's permission or approval, and always stayed true to what he believed no matter the cost. I wish I could say the same for myself.

God rest your soul, Larry. You will be missed.

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